Transferrable Work Skills

When applying for your first job out of college or when switching careers, it may seem like you don’t have enough skills, or the right skills, for the job you seek. But the truth is that you possess many abilities and skills that future employers will value. We call these transferrable skills—skills and abilities you possess or that you have gained through previous jobs, organizations, hobbies, volunteer work, or education that are appropriate for the current position you seek. You just need to identify and present them in a way that fits what those employers are looking for.

Below is a list to help you identify some of your transferrable skills that you can highlight in your resume and cover letter. Note that many of these are “soft skills”—the non-technical, non-specific skills important in any job irrespective of the field. To identify these skills in yourself, think not only about the tasks and duties you performed in previous jobs or activities, but more importantly the skills and abilities you developed there. How can you market your experience in these terms?         

Communication Skills         

Research and Planning Skills

Interpersonal Skills

Organization, Management, and Leadership Skills

Other Important Skills

Howe Writing Initiative ‧ Farmer School of Business ‧ Miami University

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